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Drinks at Cafe de Port

Drinks at Cafe de Port

Four figures came waffling down the street with their dim lit cigarettes lighting the way. They aren’t the only curious fellows you see floating around Cafe de Port in Brignogan. Sprawled on the jet red chairs are two American tourists, drawling loudly. Behind me is an elderly couple, and just to their left, a group…

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By Soninke Combrinck, August 24, 2017
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Little Hollywood: Summer in France

Little Hollywood: Summer in France

We were untouchable, cruising along the narrow farm roads in the Audi at 120km an hour. The French farmland tore by us as the car ate the ground in front of it. German hip-hop was blaring on the radio as we crossed the quiet Kerlouan landscape in the summer of 2017. The days we spent…

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By Soninke Combrinck, August 23, 2017
Something Fishy: A Seafood Extravaganza

Something Fishy: A Seafood Extravaganza

I like to try something new each holiday. This time I was hauled up in a fishing village far north in France, in Bretagne (Brittany). Residents here have been fishing proudly in these waters for centuries. This generation does the same. Seafood was my staple diet in Kerlouan. It wasn’t limited to just fish; I…

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By Soninke Combrinck, August 20, 2017
The Beach Life: on holiday in Kerlouan

The Beach Life: on holiday in Kerlouan

I have had the perfect holiday. I spent two weeks in Kerlouan at the beach, and a week in Paris. It gave me a taste of France I will not forget. The two weeks were spent with Marc’s family. They have a beautiful house in Bretagne (Brittany), the north-west province of France. There is a…

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By Soninke Combrinck, August 15, 2017
Girl’s Day Out: Shopping Spree in Brest

Girl’s Day Out: Shopping Spree in Brest

I can now give a whole new meaning to “shop till you drop.” I am recovering from an eight-hour shopping excursion in the nearby town of Brest. “Tomorrow you will go shopping in Brest with my mother,” Marc said. “Good luck,” his brother warned. “You have about 120 shops and three hours. You are going…

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By Soninke Combrinck, August 14, 2017
Finding Little Meneham: an old French Hamlet

Finding Little Meneham: an old French Hamlet

Saturday was a slow day. We rolled out of bed, had a quick breakfast (baguettes of course), and began to plan our day. We decided to start with a morning cycle to get a sense of the town and to explore a local jewel: the hamlet of Meneham. I hopped on my bicycle, refamiliarised myself…

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By Soninke Combrinck, August 12, 2017
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Hi, I'm Soninke
My name is Soninke, but I am more affectionately known as 'Sunny'. I am a food obsessed, coffee loving travel bug who wants to save the world. Tag along on my journey as I try to navigate this crazy thing called life.
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